Carers Service overview
New contract awarded to deliver and expand on the range of support for carers
In April this year, as part of Connect Somerset, the Community Council for Somerset (CCS) was awarded a new contract to deliver and expand on the range of support available for carers across the county.
This support, which includes information, advice and groups that enable carers to socialise and share ideas and experiences, is available to all adult unpaid carers looking after a friend or family member, irrespective of their age. It is provided under the banner of the Somerset Carers Service.
As well as a Carers Coordinator and Carers Group Coordinator, the service is delivered by dedicated Village Agents (Somerset Carers). They are available for phone support and face-to-face home visits, to help support unpaid carers find practical solutions to what can often be complex issues.
As part of the contract, CCS is expanding its service across all demographics to reach all unpaid carers either directly, or by working in partnership with statutory services and other VCFSE (Voluntary, Community, Faith, Social Enterprise) organisations. The service also liaises with and supports dedicated Carers Champions within GP surgeries.
Many people may not necessarily consider themselves to be carers and so often are not aware of the support available to them. To address this, Somerset Carers service is expanding its reach across the community, attending many events and meetings, to raise awareness and reach as many people as possible who may benefit from this type of support.
Unpaid carers can register with Somerset Carers to receive information and updates, join the online forum and use the Carers Hub to find out about the many groups, services, courses and support available throughout Somerset. Registration is quick and easy on the Somerset Carers website, where carers can also request help from a dedicated carers Village Agent.
Adult Social Care Professionals can make referrals to the service using this form. All requests for support are triaged and assigned to the most appropriate Village Agent, who will contact the carer directly, liaising with the referrer where applicable.
To date, over 1,100 people have registered with Somerset Carers and the 23 carers groups held monthly throughout the county are well attended; many have gentle activities for the person cared for in an adjoining room. A brand-new group, focussing on people supporting friends or family members experiencing mental health difficulties, is also due to start in the Autumn in Bridgwater.
If you are a carer, please register, or if you have any questions about the service, please phone the Community Carers for Somerset advice line on 0800 316 8600.