
Sometimes your circumstances can change and you might find it harder to do the routine things you used to be able to do, for example getting into or out of your home, or moving around indoors. Often, with some simple adaptations, you can continue to do these things.

Minor adaptations

These include ramps, rails, and other small works. If you are eligible, minor adaptations can be arranged for you free of charge, following an assessment by a Social Care occupational therapist (OT).

Major adaptations

These could include a stair lift, widening doorways, and adapting bathrooms.

The work may be funded through a Disabled Facilities Grant administered by Somerset Council, after an assessment and recommendation from a Social Care occupational therapist (OT).

Applicants for a Disabled Facilities Grant can be homeowners, private or council tenants, or people who live in park homes and houseboats. The Council will need to check that your proposed scheme is necessary, and appropriate to meet the needs identified by Social Care occupational therapists.

It must also be reasonable and practical, depending on the age and layout of your home. The amount of the grant you receive will be decided by a means test. It will depend on your income and capital, and you may be asked to contribute towards the cost of the work.

It is important that you do not start any work before you have received grant approval from Somerset Council – you will not normally be entitled to any help for work already undertaken.

For more information, contact Somerset Council and ask for an application form and a copy of the Disabled Facilities Grant leaflet.


To find out if you are eligible, please phone Somerset Council Customer Services on 0300 123 2224.

Depending on your circumstances, the person you talk with may be able to give you advice straight away or they may ask an occupational therapist to talk with you. They will discuss what choices are available and agree on the best things to do for you. This may be giving you information or advice, or arranging to visit you to work out what you need.

Everyone’s situation is different and we carefully considers each request for support using eligibility criteria.

British Sign Language video

This is a British Sign Language video about Disabled Facilities Grants

Last reviewed: March 3, 2025 by Kailani

Next review due: September 3, 2025

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