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Information to help you look after your eyes and eyesight



Because our eyesight changes as we get older, most of us will need to wear glasses or contact lenses at some time in later life. You can find information to help you look after your eyes on the NHS website.

The four most common eye conditions in the UK are

There are many services in Somerset to help people recover from eye conditions and to support them afterwards.

Information on the NHS website

Information and advice about living with low vision

NHS Services
Find local opticians – also called optometrists – who provide sight tests.

The Acute Community Eyecare Service (ACES) is for people with medical eye conditions who have been newly diagnosed. Acute Community Eyecare Service leaflet

The Low Vision Service offers special services so that people with sight loss, especially people who have been newly diagnosed, can make the most of their remaining eyesight.

A health care professional, for example your doctor or an optometrist, must refer you to this service.

National charities

Macular Society

Services in Somerset

Somerset Sight
Information from Support Services for Education (SSE) – education services for young people with a sight loss

Last reviewed: November 6, 2023 by Paul

Next review due: May 6, 2024

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