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Information to help you if a heatwave alert is triggered



Most of us enjoy the warm, longer days of summer. And for most of us, summer doesn’t give us any problems.

But when the weather gets very hot, for longer than just a day or so, it can cause difficulties for vulnerable groups of people, like the very young, older people and people who are seriously ill.

If there is an average temperature of 30°C during the day and 15°C at night, forecast or happening for two days and a night, it will trigger a health alert. The Met Office has a warning system that issues alerts if a heatwave is likely.

You can find out more about what happens when an alert is triggered on the Somerset Council website.

NHS – Heatwave: be prepared – has information about the main risks and tips for coping in hot weather.
Age UK – Staying cool in a heatwave
Met Office Heat-health watch

Last reviewed: November 6, 2023 by Paul

Next review due: May 6, 2024

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