
This website is a good place for you, or someone who helps you, to start finding out about what help is available that you can arrange yourself. For example, with your personal care, staying independent, keeping safe, staying physically and mentally well, or maintaining relationships that are important to you.

It has lots of information about services, equipment and care providers in Somerset.

GP practices

It is useful to let your GP practice know that you are a carer. This can help them to provide you with, information, support and convenient appointment times.

As a carer, you are entitled to an annual flu vaccine and a health check.

Each GP practice in Somerset has:

  • a “Carers Champion” who can help you to find the information and support you need
  • a carers noticeboard which displays useful information about caring


Hospital discharge team

Each hospital has a discharge team. The team organises the support you and the person you care will need through their recovery.

Homefirst Agents

When the person you care for is coming home from hospital Homefirst Agents can help you. Homefirst Agents work closely with the British Red Cross, Adult Social Care and hospital discharge teams. There are 5 Homefirst Agents that work across Musgrove Park Hospital and Yeovil District Hospital.

Community Agents

Community Agents help you to find the support you need, they work with people who have been referred to them by Adult Social Care. Community Agents work closely with the British Red Cross, Adult Social Care and the hospital discharge teams. There are 3 Community Agents who work across 10 community hospitals.

Talking Cafes

Talking Cafes provide face to face advice about caring and other health matters.

Tuesday afternoon
Musgrove Park Hospital
2pm to 4pm

Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)

PALS can provide you with confidential advice and support about health matters. PALS will also listen to your concerns, your suggestions and pass on your comments and complaints.

Musgrove Park Hospital – PALS team
01823 343536
PALS team, Musgrove Park Hospital, Parkfield Drive, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 5DA

If you want to talk with someone

If you would like to talk with someone from Adult Social Care for their advice and information about services that may help you or the person who cares for you, please ask your ward staff, and they will make arrangements for someone to come and see you.

The things they can talk with you about may include:

  • Support if you are adjusting to illness, disability or loss
  • How to access support and services in the community
  • Help to arrange care or other practical support if you need it when you leave hospital
  • Information on care homes and paying for care
  • How to have a financial and benefit assessment check

Care and Support Assessment

Other professionals, such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or district nurse, may need to speak with you too. This gives us a full picture of your needs and the best way to meet them. With your permission, the views of your family, carers and family doctor will be taken into account.

The assessment of your needs is free, but there is a charge for some of the services we arrange depending on your circumstances. We will complete a financial assessment to see how much you would have to pay. We can also check that you are receiving all the benefits that you are entitled to.

Help when you go home

Once your needs are understood, the social care worker will agree a discharge or care and support plan with you. This will show what support you will receive when you return home and make sure that you can leave hospital safely as soon as you no longer need hospital care. Someone from the social care team will contact you soon after you have returned home to check that the care and support plan is still right for you. The support may be increased or reduced depending on how well you are managing.

You can get information and advice about hospital transport from the Patient Transport Advice Centre, phone 01278 727444 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 6.30pm.

If you are not well enough to go home or cannot return home safely we can tell you about other options. These may include a move to Extra Care Housing or another type of accommodation such as a care home. If it is agreed you need to move into a care home you should consider the choice of home carefully. We can help you with this.

Last reviewed: October 15, 2024 by Jennifer

Next review due: April 15, 2025

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