People who can help

Here are some contacts you may find useful to help you stay safe:

Age UK

Age UK provides information on preventing falls, and for help with making your home safe and secure, phone the Age UK adviceline on 0800 055 6112.

Police Neighbourhood Watch

There is useful information on the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme website. You can contact local co-ordinators phone 07889 656 575 or email

Safe Places

This is a scheme that helps vulnerable people deal with difficult situations that make them feel at risk when they are out in the community. To find out more, visit Avon and Somerset Police – Safe Places Scheme

Fire safety

See the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service website for advice about home safety and to request a free home safety visit.

Rogue traders

Somerset Council’s Trading Standards Team works with other organisations to tackle ‘rogue traders’. If you have any information about rogue traders, they would like to know. You can phone the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133, or the Police on 101.

Advice about how to avoid becoming the victim of a scam is available on the Devon and Somerset Trading Standards website and at GOV.UK.

Buy With Confidence is a joint service run by Devon and Somerset Trading Standards to help consumers find businesses and traders. Each service is thoroughly checked and reviewed ahead of joining the scheme to make sure they operate their company (and service to you) in a legal, honest and customer-friendly way. Buy With Confidence is part of a national scheme formed over 15 years ago to counteract the activities of rogue traders.

In an emergency

The Council works with other organisations to provide services to respond to major incidents and plan for them in advance. They have produced an Emergency Action Checklist for householders with advice about what to do before, during and after emergencies. To request a copy phone 0300 123 2224.

Somerset Council Customer Services

In Somerset we support people to remain as independent as possible and we promote independence and choice. As well as supporting adults of a working age we support older people who have disabilities, mental health needs and people who have sensory loss.

We have a duty to try to protect adults aged 18 or above who may be at risk of abuse. If an adult is not able to protect themselves from abuse, we call this safeguarding. Safeguarding means protecting a person’s right to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. Adult Social Care have produced a Keeping Safe information sheet that you may find useful.


If an adult is in immediate danger, please phone the emergency services on 999.

If you have concerns about an adult who you think may be suffering abuse, you can phone us on 0300 123 2224. 

Last reviewed: February 21, 2025 by Jennifer

Next review due: August 21, 2025

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