These partners are working together so Somerset families and residents get the help they need and get it early. We’ve listed some of the services and support that may be useful for you to know about.
- Contact Citizens Advice via email or use the adviceline on 0808 278 7842 for advice on debt, energy costs and benefits.
- Age UK Somerset also provides help with benefits and scam advice for older people.
- If you need immediate money for food or heating, you can access the Somerset Household Support Fund, professionals can help you with this if needed.
- You can find a nearby warm welcome space, or food and activities for eligible children at weekends.
- You can seek help with Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, claiming a discretionary award and Public and Community Transport.
- Get support with lifelong learning and Employment.
- Find your local foodbank or pantry (some will need a referral from a professional).
- Eligible children and young people can take part in Happy Healthy Holidays using a code from their school.
- If you are pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to healthy food and milk.
- If you are worried about losing your home then please contact Somerset Council as early as you can, as we offer homelessness advice, assistance and referrals.
- In an emergency you can phone 0300 123 2224 or 0300 123 2327 out of hours.
- Information and advice on equipment that can help you stay living independently.
Mental health
- Open Mental Health supports adults mental health and wellbeing.
- Mindline (open to all ages) can be reached on 0800 138 1692 or via an online chat (8pm to 11pm).
- Support for children and young people is available through Young Somerset, the health and wellbeing toolkit, and the Tellmi app.
- For young people aged 11 to 19 there are free online forums, guides and counselling at Kooth.
- If you are 16-17 you can also make a CAMHS referral through CAMHS Single Point of Access.
- Samaritans, national listening service on 116 123.
- For free mental health support text “SHOUT” to 85258.
- There are lots of activities for body and mind at SASP.
- If you are over 65 and are feeling lonely and/or isolated Age UK Somerset are here to help.
- For health-related support at home, or in the community you may wish to contact your local Village Agent for help.
- Somerset Sight and deafPLUS also support with sight and hearing loss needs.
- NHS Somerset offers Talking Therapies for over 16s with anxiety, depression and coping with traumatic events or long-term health conditions.
- Visit ChatHealth to connect with a qualified health professional in your area or phone the support line on 07480 635 514.
- Visit Healthy Somerset for information and support to promote health and wellbeing.
Domestic Abuse
- If you or your family are affected by domestic abuse, you can get help from Somerset Domestic Abuse Service or phone 0800 69 49 999 and choose option 2.
Problems with drugs or alcohol
- There is advice and support for young people, adults, and their family members if substance misuse is a problem. Contact Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service or phone 0300 303 8788 any time.
For parents and Carers
- Parents, carers and grandparents can get free access to over £100 worth of online learning, visit #LearnForLove (access code: dragon) to support children from bump to teenager.
- If you’re over 18 and you look after someone in an unpaid caring capacity (not employed or self employed as a carer) access support from the Somerset Carers Service.
- Young Somerset also offer parent workshops and wider parent led work with mental health and early years.
- Somerset Children and Young People – Health and Wellbeing offer help for Somerset parents and carers in managing relationship conflict.
- Somerset Children and Young People – Health and Wellbeing also offer help for separated parents in reducing conflict and successfully coparent their children.
- Information for people who are caring for an adult family member, friend, or neighbour who is ill or frail.
For professionals
- 2-hour practitioner workshop on working with separated parents to reduce coparenting conflict. To find out more and book your place please go to the Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
- Qualified school nurses are also available to access support via ChatHealth or phone the support line on 07480 635 514 for ask confidentially about a range of issues.
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